Fundamental experience is not the experience of “things”.
Fundamental experience is the experience of Being Itself, of Consciousness Itself.


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Adi Da Samraj

His Divine Presence Avatar Adi Da Samraj is known throughout the world as the Living Presence of Divine Reality, whose transformative Blessing remains forever active.

From 1939 to 2008, Avatar Adi Da lived an extraordinary human lifetime, devoted entirely to the purpose of revealing the Truth of human existence and establishing eternal means for the perfect Liberation (or Divine Awakening) of everyone.

Essential to Avatar Adi Da’s teaching is the revelation that the true nature of Reality is Infinite Luminous Consciousness, and all that appears is an indivisible unity arising in and as that. Thus, our presumption that we are separate individuals is an illusion—when, in truth, we are Consciousness Itself.

Avatar Adi Da was, and ever is, the Radiant Power of Divine Realization—making possible the Awakening from suffering and dilemma to the Free Condition of Consciousness Itself.

Out of compassionate regard for all beings, His Divine Presence Avatar Adi Da offers the message herein as a free Gift to you, and to all.

The Adi Da Foundation is dedicated to making Avatar Adi Da and his Reality-Communications known and available to all. Please visit:

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