Reality Is Not A Thought

from Notice This
by Avatar Adi Da Samraj

The Truth Itself must be Realized.

Reality Itself must be Realized.

Reality is not a thought. Therefore, no amount of thinking about It is going to Realize Reality. It cannot!

You cannot think Reality. And, therefore, you cannot think enough to Realize Reality.

If you Realize Reality, you can maybe say some words that have something to do with that Realization. But there is not a single thing you can say or think that will make you Realize It—because It is not a thought.

At some point, in the matter of Realization, you have to step completely out of, away from, the entire thinking game. It is fine for there to be discussion, thought, and so forth, as part of life and part of the practice of the Reality-Way of Adidam. But the fundamental practice does not have anything to do with thinking about Reality.

You cannot think Reality. Rather, you drop out of thought, and you do another process in order to really find out Reality. You do not think until you Realize. Rather, you think until something has been served by the thinking sufficient to stop thinking. Then you trust another process that is not about thinking at all—just as tangible, you could say, but it has nothing to do with thinking.

Consciousness Itself has nothing to do with thinking—nothing whatsoever.

Consciousness Itself does not think.

Consciousness Itself does not have any thoughts in It.

Consciousness Itself does not have any memories in It.

Consciousness Itself does not have anything in it, except Its Own Inherent Fullness.

Only That—nothing else.

Everything else is a fabrication of attention, in the universal grid of the Cosmic Mandala.1

1 Avatar Adi Da Samraj uses the term “Cosmic Mandala” to mean the entirety of conditionally manifested existence (which can manifest only in accordance with whatever conditions are the case).